Aircraft Rental Policies & Procedures
These procedures are incorporated by reference in the Aircraft Rental Agreement and may be changed as needed. Ensure that you have the current version!
Get Inspired Flight's primary focus is the safety of you, your passenger, and the aircraft, and that drives our policies and procedures. Our aircraft are for Get Inspired Flight graduates only and are made available primarily for enjoyment while maintaining your skills & proficiency.
Minimum fuel: Notwithstanding the FAA's minimum fuel requirements, Get Inspired Flight requires a minimum of sixty (60) minutes of fuel remaining upon landing. Furthermore, Get Inspired Flight requires a minimum departure fuel amount to be confirmed before each flight or leg. Each aircraft's stated 60-minute fuel amount as well as minimum departure fuel is listed on the Aircraft Appendix Page
for that aircraft. See below for fueling and billing procedures.
for that aircraft. See below for fueling and billing procedures.
Load planning: You must also perform a Weight & Balance analysis for your intended persons, baggage, and fuel load prior to your flight. You may use the form at
for your convenience or perform your calculation in any other way you wish. Send your W&B values
- total weight
- departure fuel gallons
- CG location at departure weight and at zero fuel weight
by email or SMS/MMS message using the contact information below. You will also want to send the indicated hours and aircraft fuel level before and after your flight in the same manner to ensure proper billing.
for your convenience or perform your calculation in any other way you wish. Send your W&B values
- total weight
- departure fuel gallons
- CG location at departure weight and at zero fuel weight
by email or SMS/MMS message using the contact information below. You will also want to send the indicated hours and aircraft fuel level before and after your flight in the same manner to ensure proper billing.
Pilot health: Above and beyond a standard IMSAFE evaluation, Get Inspired Flight also maintains higher than minimum standards for aviation medical factors. You shall not operate the aircraft if, within the preceding twelve (12) hours, you have ingested any alcohol, or, within the preceding forty-eight (48) hours, any nonprescription drugs, tranquilizers, sleep-inducing drugs, or other medication the use of which has been determined by the Federal Aviation Administration to be prohibited prior to flight. Further, you shall not operate the aircraft if you suffer any other physical or mental impairment affecting the safety of you, the Aircraft, or your passenger.
Cancellations: We do our best to maintain our commitments to you, and we appreciate the same courtesy in return. Cancellations at less than twenty-four (24) hours' notice, save for environmental circumstances outside your control, family emergencies, or onset of an impairment as described above, may be billed for the minimum guaranteed time as listed on the Aircraft Appendix Page. Frequent cancellations due to sudden illness may cause Get Inspired Flight to deny you advance rental planning.
Checkouts & Currency: Get Inspired Flight requires a checkout lesson for all new renters and again if you have not performed at least
- one (1) hour of flight
- three (3) landings
in the same aircraft in the previous month. Flying is a perishable skill, and you are encouraged to fly often not only to experience the joy of flight but to keep your skills fresh. You must also keep your Pilot Information Page
current as needed.
- one (1) hour of flight
- three (3) landings
in the same aircraft in the previous month. Flying is a perishable skill, and you are encouraged to fly often not only to experience the joy of flight but to keep your skills fresh. You must also keep your Pilot Information Page
current as needed.
Time and weather: You may only operate the aircraft during Get Inspired Flight Rental Hours herein specifically defined as thirty (30) minutes after sunrise to thirty (30) minutes before sunset, save that warmup and taxi ground operations may commence fifteen (15) minutes earlier at your discretion. You also may only operate the aircraft under Visual Flight Rules in meteorological conditions applicable to a Sport Pilot Certificate regardless of the actual Certificate you may hold. Furthermore, minimum visibility is 5 miles in both class G and class E airspace.
Passengers: Safety includes your passenger, too! Whether this flight is your passenger's first or hundred first, make sure he or she is comfortable, familiar with the planned flight, and aware of any duties required. You must brief any passenger regarding the nature of the aircraft, the proper and required use of seat belts, emergency procedures, and any other topics your may deem necessary to facilitate a safe as well as enjoyable flight. Furthermore, you may not enplane or deplane passengers while the engine is running.
Fueling: Get Inspired Flight will make a reasonable effort to ensure that you have sufficient fuel for the duration of your flight. You are responsible for the fuel used during your flight separately from the cost of aircraft rental. If you need to add fuel during your rental, you must use a filtering funnel to clean the fuel before it enters the tank, which filtering shall also not take the place of normal preflight checks for water and debris before each engine start. Upon return of the aircraft, you may elect to not replenish the aircraft fuel to its previous level and we will bill you, at the Pickens County Airport published price plus twenty-five (25) cents per gallon, for the amount of fuel necessary.
Tracking: Regardless of whether or not you utilize radar services, you may not anonymize your transponder signal. We expect to track your flight path to keep an eye on you and the aircraft and to be ready to respond in the event of an emergency.
Reporting: In the event of any accident, incident, or damage by or to the aircraft, or in the event you discover any defect or problem with the aircraft, you must notify Get Inspired Flight as soon as possible and in any case within twenty-four (24) hours. You should feel free to report even minor issues such as, for example, a stiff throttle or fuel totalizing running too high or too low so that we can address them accordingly. You may send all reports to us by email or SMS/MMS message to
[email protected]
and should further call to directly report urgent issues and/or obtain guidance. Do not hesitate to call or send regarding any questions you may have, too. We are here for you to facilitate your smooth and enjoyable outing!
[email protected]
and should further call to directly report urgent issues and/or obtain guidance. Do not hesitate to call or send regarding any questions you may have, too. We are here for you to facilitate your smooth and enjoyable outing!