Got Rust?
We love rusty pilots and helping them get back in the air! Whether you want to refresh your skills, try out another aircraft, or work all the way to a flight review, we look forward to enjoying aviation with you.
Here is our list of flight skills we review for rusty pilots. It's basically our Getting to Solo list without the ground school topics, but we can add back anything else you'd like to cover :-)
Here is our list of flight skills we review for rusty pilots. It's basically our Getting to Solo list without the ground school topics, but we can add back anything else you'd like to cover :-)
____ Use of Checklists
____ Preflight inspection
____ Operation of aircraft systems
____ Engine starting
____ CTAF communications and AWOS information
____ Taxiing
____ Airport & Runway markings
____ Warmup & Before-takeoff check
____ After-landing procedures
____ Parking & securing the airplane
____ Airspeed, altitude, & level flight control
____ Traffic Pattern
____ Collision avoidance & clearing turns
____ Unusual Attitudes recognition & recovery
____ Steep turns
____ Slow flight maneuvering
____ Power-off stalls (from straight flight, turns, and descent)
____ Power-on stalls (from straight flight and turns)
____ Normal & Crosswind takeoff & climb
____ Turns around a point
____ S-Turns across a power line or road
____ Runway “wheelie” touchdown view
____ Forward Slip to landing
____ Normal & Crosswind descent, approach, & landing
____ Short & Soft field takeoff & landing
____ Go-around / Rejected landing
____ Lost procedures
____ Intro to ATC communications
____ Weight & Balance calculations
____ Special Emphasis areas
____ Recovery from bouncing or ballooning on landing
____ Landing with gusts
____ Systems & equipment malfunction / blank panel
____ Autopilot recognition and shutoff
____ Emergency descents (slips & spirals)
____ Engine-out approach & landing
____ Charts & Symbology
____ Flight solely by reference to instruments
____ our glass panel system, GPS flight planning, and autopilot use
____ Preflight inspection
____ Operation of aircraft systems
____ Engine starting
____ CTAF communications and AWOS information
____ Taxiing
____ Airport & Runway markings
____ Warmup & Before-takeoff check
____ After-landing procedures
____ Parking & securing the airplane
____ Airspeed, altitude, & level flight control
____ Traffic Pattern
____ Collision avoidance & clearing turns
____ Unusual Attitudes recognition & recovery
____ Steep turns
____ Slow flight maneuvering
____ Power-off stalls (from straight flight, turns, and descent)
____ Power-on stalls (from straight flight and turns)
____ Normal & Crosswind takeoff & climb
____ Turns around a point
____ S-Turns across a power line or road
____ Runway “wheelie” touchdown view
____ Forward Slip to landing
____ Normal & Crosswind descent, approach, & landing
____ Short & Soft field takeoff & landing
____ Go-around / Rejected landing
____ Lost procedures
____ Intro to ATC communications
____ Weight & Balance calculations
____ Special Emphasis areas
____ Recovery from bouncing or ballooning on landing
____ Landing with gusts
____ Systems & equipment malfunction / blank panel
____ Autopilot recognition and shutoff
____ Emergency descents (slips & spirals)
____ Engine-out approach & landing
____ Charts & Symbology
____ Flight solely by reference to instruments
____ our glass panel system, GPS flight planning, and autopilot use